
人民网约翰内斯堡2月14日电 (王磊 刘畅)当地时间2月13日,南非旅游部长夏萨接受人民网采访,值此国内新春佳节到来之际,夏萨部长通过人民网向中国人民拜年,并表达了她良好的祝愿。
英文原文:We are excited to be part of the Chinese New Year and it is very important because the New Year is time for giving, time for love, time to be with family and we are saying happy New Year to the Chinese population.
You have a destination to spend the New Year here in South Africa. We want to embrace you, we want to share it and that love with you because we also celebrating the centenary of Nelson Mandela, the global icon who has shown that unity and love.
We are saying that here in South Africa we have that humanity that Mandela taught us. Come share with us. We want to share that love with you.
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